Tag Archives: Dogs

A Message From BETA


Hello friends!

This is an email I received from BETA a few days ago. It left me pretty chocked up. But imagine how they are feeling. Please read it, please consider helping if you can, and please share this.


Amanda x

Dear friends,

Over the past few weeks, the global pandemic has affected our lives greatly, but we are dedicated to continuing our mission and helping animals in need.

Lebanon is currently on a two-week medical lockdown, but the truth is, this country has been on a different kind of lockdown for months due to the economic crisis that has led to tens of thousands of people losing their income, limited access to personal cash, and various debilitating restrictions. 

This is an unprecedented challenge on many levels; Ensuring food for over 1,000 dogs and cats, as well as horses and donkeys has become almost impossible with the (unofficial) hyperinflation, therefore, inability to import, and local food providers demanding to be paid in advance. Moreover, dumping has at least tripled over the last period, reaching its all-time peak, first for socio-economic reasons, and now for medical ones, due to the COVID-19 panic.

Furthermore, our airport is closed and dogs who have found their forever homes abroad are currently stuck in the country, and to make matters worse, the dog shelter was severely damaged a few days ago, with parts of the roof completely collapsing, due to devastating strong winds. 

We are currently working far beyond our capacity, especially with the enforced curfew that is making our daily work even harder, and while prioritizing the health and safety of our volunteers, we are continuing our daily tasks to keep helping animals in need. 

International help is extremely vital for the continuation of our mission at the moment. Hope is what keeps us going, and we would like to thank all those who gave us a helping hand in the past few months, ensuring that wellbeing of over 1,000 animals. 

This is a plea of help to provide the basic needs, such as dog and cat food and medical care, and to carry out our daily mission.

This is a plea to come together from all around the world at this time of global crisis, as animal lovers who want to give animals a second chance at life. 

Please help them.

Please contribute to our rescue fund:

The BETA team

Say Hello To Rupert


Spaniel, Dog

Hello friends!

As you may know, I’m a volunteer and advocate for a lovely charity called The Cinnamon Trust. It’s a national charity that comes to the aid of elderly or ill people and their pets, and it pairs them with volunteers to help walk or care for the pets when their owners are unable to do so.

Spaniel, Dog

I wrote about one little dog called Charlie that I’ve been walking for just over a year now. Now I’ve been assigned a second dog to walk! His name is Rupert and he is a 9 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He was found as a stray and rescued, and it’s thought he may be an ex stud dog. He’s certainly handsome enough! His owner has two other beautiful spaniels, both girls, and while she walks them both, she has a little trouble with Rupert because he’s so strong and she has arthritis. That’s where I come in!

Spaniel, Dog

Rupert doesn’t really get on with other dogs, apart from the two girls he lives with. But when he sees another dog in the street he will bark and strain at his lead. I have to hang on pretty tight! Luckily, my mum and I came up with a new technique. When we see another dog approaching, we cross the road and hide behind a car until it has gone past! This has worked so far, and Rupert usually doesn’t notice the other dog when I distract him.

Spaniel, Dog

Rupert is a quirky character. He is completely deaf, so I have to wave or pat him if I want to get his attention. He also really likes to eat grass, so I have to stop for him whenever he fancies a chomp! I love having these Cinnamon Trust buddies! If you love animals and can spare the time, The Cinnamon Trust is always looking for more volunteers, so consider becoming one in your area. Just go to their website here for details.


Amanda x

Autumn Walks With Charlie


Hello friends!

My goodness, it has been the most beautiful autumn I’ve ever seen! I’m incredibly lucky to have spent part of it in Finland this year, and experience its magic over there, too. You may have gathered from my gushing that autumn is my absolute favourite season, and I will truly miss the fiery colours, and blankets of glorious, crunchy leaves.

You may remember that I volunteer for a charity called the Cinnamon Trust and I walk a little charmer called Charlie. I couldn’t believe it when I checked my diary and realised that I’ve been walking him since April! It really hasn’t felt that long! Where on Earth has the time gone? My mum often comes with me, and the three of us potter about quite merrily.

I’ve grown ridiculously attached to Charlie and, quite frankly, he has wrapped himself right around my heart, and I just can’t say no to him! I mean, just look at that little teddy bear face and those big chocolate brown eyes! I miss him so much on the days that I don’t walk him, even though I get to see him three times a week. It’s lovely that he’s always so excited to see me, and barks and leaps about as if he hasn’t seen me in months! He won’t shut up until we’re out of the door, and then we set off at a very brisk pace towards the path, with me often having to jog beside him to keep up!

We’ve enjoyed some truly lovely walks and adventures, and I probably enjoy these magical walks as much as Charlie does! We leap across streams, I’ve spotted some beautiful birds along the way (including some sort of bird of prey, perhaps a kestrel, and a crane! Although magpies still remain my favourites), picked berries, and I’m pretty sure I’ve become familiar with all the other dogs in the neighborhood!

Walking a dog is not just great exercise, it really opens your eyes up to the enchanting changing of the seasons, too. Charlie lives right by a park, and we’ve witnessed the blossoms and daffodils in spring, the heat and riots of colour in summer, and now, autumn.

This is what was going on the other day when we walked past the bit that is usually a sort of wild flower field covered in long grasses. The whole area had been neatly parceled into these fantastic hay bales. I’ll tell you what, I got some pretty incredulous looks from Charlie as I stopped to take photos! I think they’re pretty cool, I’m drawn to anything that reminds me of horses, cows, and sheep!

I’m looking forward to seeing Charlie again next week! I’d better double check to make sure I still have enough dog treats and poop bags. If you’d like to see more pictures of adorable Charlie, I regularly post pictures of him on my Instagram account (can you blame me?), so do follow along!


Amanda x




Hello friends!

I wonder whether you’ve heard of the Dog’s Trust? It’s a wonderful charity founded in 1891 that helps rehome and rescue dogs all over the UK. Sometimes the dogs need to stay with Dog’s Trust at their centers for a variety of different reasons, because they need constant medical care, have behavioral problems or suffer from traumas due to being mistreated. Each year, they take care of around 16,000 dogs at their nationwide network of rehoming centers. One of the things I love about them is that they will never put a healthy dog down.

The Dog’s Trust relies heavily on sponsors and volunteers to help care for these dogs. I’ve been a Dog’s Trust sponsor for a few years now, and it’s so heartwarming and rewarding.

This is Lexi, the lovely dog I currently sponsor. He is a Labrador Dalmatian cross, and he loves toys and playing games!


When you go to the Sponsor A Dog section on the Dog’s Trust website you can choose from a variety of wonderful dogs, or, if you can’t choose, you can pick a Mystery dog, and the Dog’s Trust will choose one for you. I was agonizing for about an hour, I couldn’t just pick one, I wanted to sponsor them all! So I picked the Mystery option, and I got lovely Lexi.

When you become a sponsor you receive a certificate, a wallet sized sponsor card, a fridge magnet and window sticker! Then you get three updates a year, to let you know how your sponsor dog is getting on and what they are up to.

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My previous sponsor dog was Millie, sadly she passed away 😦 I still miss getting letters from her, and I still carry her picture in my purse. But I’m happy that maybe I made a little difference to her.

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If you love dogs, you would love to be a Dog’s Trust sponsor. It’s a decision that definitely made me happier!


Amanda x

PS: If you like this post, you may also like WALKING CHARLIE & THE CINNAMON TRUST.

Walking Charlie & The Cinnamon Trust


Hello friends!

This is Charlie, the Bichon Frise!


I’m a volunteer for the Cinnamon Trust and he has been assigned to me. I’m not sure which of us is happier about going for these walks together three times a week, but I know that we both get fresh air and exercise, Charlie looks forward to me arriving and waits at a window, and I go home feeling tremendously happy! Luckily, Charlie’s home is literally two minutes away from a lovely, green park, which is where I always take him.

The Cinnamon Trust is a wonderful organisation in the UK that sets up volunteers with the elderly or infirm that need help with their pets. It doesn’t stop at dog walking, either, some people need help pet sitting, fostering, transporting their pets, cleaning cages, litter trays, feeding, and so on.

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I was assigned little Charlie because he is in my area.

It’s such a rewarding little job, and it’s really works out well for the volunteers as well as the people they are helping. It’s fantastic for animal lovers like me who perhaps don’t have the space for a pet, but who still enjoy caring for one. And it is a great way to help out your community, the lady who owns Charlie really appreciates that I take the time to walk Charlie, as she is unable to.

It was a pretty simple process, I filled in the application form, and I had to give three references, one being a former employer, and two character references. The Cinnamon Trust then completes your application once they’ve verified everything with your references, and then you receive a welcome pack and an ID card.

You don’t always get a volunteer job straight away, I had to wait about a month before I was assigned Charlie, but I don’t mind that I had to wait now, as it was worth it!


Amanda x

30 Random Acts Of Kindness For Animal Lovers


Hey friends!

Do you love animals? Here’s an awesome list of little and large things you can do to help them right now.

  1. Spay and neuter  your pets to prevent the overpopulation of homeless and unwanted animals.
  2. Reach out to local nursing homes to see if they have a day you could bring your own pet. Animal therapy is amazing!
  3. Join the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) network so you can stay up to date about their wildlife conservation efforts, sign petitions that need support and share their efforts with your friends.
  4. Don’t support dog racing. Did you know that the greyhound racing industry breeds roughly 50.000 greyhound puppies every year? Only 15.000 of these puppies become racing dogs, and the rest are “retired”, used as breeders, or killed.
  5. Don’t kill spiders or other bugs that get into your home. Remember, they’re probably more scared than you! Pop them in a glass and carry them outside. Every life is precious.
  6. Go vegan. Vegan food is delicious, as well as better for your health and the environment, and there are so many awesome alternatives to meat. Did you know that a vegan saves an estimated 100 animals a year? Rock on!
  7. Cut plastic six-pack rings before you recycle them. These can be lethal to animals that get them stuck around their necks.
  8. Organize a fundraiser for your favourite animal charity! 
  9. Call your local animal shelter and ask if they need any volunteers.
  10. When you groom you pet, leave the clumps of fur in your garden for the local birds. They’ll use it to make their nests all cosy and warm!
  11. Boycott marine theme parks. There’s only one good marine theme park which has endless room for dolphins and whales to swim around in, it’s called the sea.
  12. Foster an animal.
  13. Don’t waste pet food. If your pet has turned their nose up at a particular food, why not donate it to your local animal shelter? Wet or dry cat food can be left out in the garden for hedgehogs.
  14. Report animal cruelty immediately, and keep the phone number of your local animal rescue handy.
  15. Buy products that DON’T test on animals and that are marked cruelty-free.
  16. Never give an animal as a gift.
  17. Adopt an animal from an animal shelter and don’t buy from a pet shop. 
  18. If you’re a rider cleaning out your horse’s stable, offer to help a friend muck out theirs too, once you’ve done yours. They might one day return the favour!
  19. Put out peanut and seed feeders for the birds in your garden, as well as fresh water in summer.
  20. If you have a mouse problem in your home, put out humane mousetraps, so that the mice can be caught and released into the wild.
  21. Offer to pet-sit for someone for free.
  22. Swap dairy milk for a plant based option when you’re at your favourite café. Whether it’s soy, oat, cashew, or almond milk, there are SO many delicious plant based milk options to choose from!
  23. Help animals while you shop! You can add your favourite charity to your Amazon account, and then every time you shop, the charity of your choice will benefit, as Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your purchases to them.
  24. Share animal adoption profiles on Twitter and Facebook of animals looking for new homes. This includes small animals like mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea-pigs and rabbits, as well as cats and dogs.
  25. Make your pet, or a friend or neighbour’s pet, some homemade treats.
  26. Pamper your pet. Make or buy them a new toy. Play with your pet. Cook your pet a special meal full of delicious, fresh, and healthy ingredients that will nourish them, while letting them know how much you care.
  27. Pledge to be fur-free. Did you know it takes around 40 foxes, 15 lynx, 60 rabbits, or 65 mink to make ONE fur coat? Yeah, not cool, guys.
  28. If you’re out walking your dog, carry extra poo bags so you can pass one on to another dog owner who has forgotten theirs.
  29. Walk or help care for an elderly or sick person’s pet. You can volunteer for this specifically in the UK at The Cinnamon Trust.
  30. Leave a “wild” patch in your garden for birds and insects to enjoy.

What would you add to this list?


Amanda x



Cute Gifts for Dog-Lovers

Hello friends!

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I’m a major animal lover! My world pretty much revolves around animals. I’ve been getting a lot of dog stuff in particular lately, and I thought it might be fun to make them into a list of ideas on what to buy a dog lover!

Pug Socks, Primark

Maybe these are just too cute to wear, though!

Pug, dogs, dog, socks

French Bulldog Folder/ Binder, Wilkinson’s (from my mum)

How cute is this? I absolutely LOVE Frenchies! I can always use extra stationary and I love organising my paperwork, so this will be extremely useful! Thank you, Mama!

French Bulldog, folder, dogs, dog

Chocolate Labrador Money Tin from the pound shop


Chihuahua Charm for my charm bracelet, Amazon

Charms from Amazon are purse-friendly alternatives to their more expensive cousins, and I’ve bought myself lots of budget friendly charms from there! If you’d like to see my collection, check out A PEEK INSIDE MY JEWELLERY BOX. Also, you can add your favourite charity to your amazon account through https://smile.amazon.com, and then every time you shop, the charity of your choice will benefit, as Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your purchases to them. I thought that’s a really cool idea. I’ve added the WWF as my favourite charity to my Amazon account.


Dog tweezers from Primark


Chihuahua Gloves, Primark (another gift from my mum 🙂 )

Okay, maybe you’ve noticed I’m a bit obsessed with Chihuahuas!

Chihuahua, gloves, dogs, dog

Chihuahua Art

I’ve also been enjoying painting Chihuahuas, lately! Here are a few of my paintings. I like giving them to my friends and family as gifts.

Pink, Chihuahua, art, dog, canine, painting Chihuahua, art, dog, canine, painting

So what do you think? Would you gift any of these items to your friends or family?


Amanda x




Hello friends!

A little while ago, I wrote a blog post called 15 CAT MYTHS DEBUNKED. Then I found that there are just as many dog myths floating around as there are cat myths, and figured it was debunking time again! Let’s set the record straight.

1. All dogs hate cats.

While this may be true sometimes, in many cases you’ll get a cat and a dog that are the absolute best of friends and live together in harmony.

2. A little chocolate can’t hurt

Yes, it can! Chocolate can be absolutely toxic to dogs, especially dark chocolate. So it’s better to stick to dog treats.

3. Only male dogs hump other dogs

Nope. Females do it too; humping is an act of dominance and is perfectly normal.

4. Indoor dogs don’t need heartworm prevention

Heartworm prevention is vitally important to a dog’s health and shouldn’t be scrimped on, even if a dog is an indoor dog, as heartworm can be spread by mosquitoes which could land on your pet.

5. A dog will be fine in the car as long as leave a window open

You wouldn’t leave your child in the car, so why a dog? Nobody should ever do this.  Even on a cool day the heat inside a car can rise quickly, and this is even more dangerous on a hot day. Leaving your dog inside the car is as bad as placing your dog in an oven and turning up the heat. Leaving your dog in a car is also against the law in some places.

6. All dogs are colour-blind

This isn’t strictly true, as research has shown they are only red and green blind, so they probably couldn’t distinguish between the two, but to say they see in black and white is untrue.

7. You can calculate a dog’s age by multiplying human years by seven

This method is outdated. A dog is already considered a teenager at a year old, and extra years are added as they grow older.

8. Dogs wag their tail when they are happy

Whereas this is usually true, it isn’t always, just as certain facial expressions in humans don’t necessarily always mean the same thing. Tail wagging can also be a sign of fear or anxiety, or any number of things.

9. A Bitch (Female Dog) should be allowed to have one litter of puppies before being spayed

The same is said for cats, and I’ll say it again, dogs do not have to produce a litter before they can be altered. There is no evidence that proves this method offers any health benefits to a dog. Don’t forget the thousands of unwanted dogs and puppies in animal shelters already.

10. All large dogs are dangerous

Well, this one is certainly a load of rubbish. Would they have made St. Bernards into rescue dogs if they thought they were going to maul the victims? I don’t think so!

11. A dog gets all the exercise they need if they’re just let out into the garden

Well, in a word, no. Dogs need interaction with other dogs and humans, they love to explore, and nothing makes for good exercise as a good old walk. Letting them out into the garden for a while doesn’t even come close. A walk is simulating for a dog both mentally and physically.

12. A warm or dry nose is a sign your dog is ill

An occasional dry or warm nose is perfectly normal, as dog noses aren’t always cold and wet, so don’t panic!  There are also several reasons why a dog may have a dry nose. However a runny nose or crusty build-up is not good, and in that case it’s safest to consult your vet.

13. Dogs hate postmen

Dogs are naturally protective of their home and family, so to a dog, a postman is a stranger who should keep his distance.

14. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

The oldest myth in the world, but it’s not actually true. While older dogs may have limited hearing or eyesight that makes it trickier for them to follow commands, there is otherwise no truth to this statement.

15. When dogs eat grass it means they’re sick

The same rule applies here for dogs as it does for cats, dogs just like to eat grass sometimes, so this is a myth.

I really hoped this has helped! I am not a dog expert, I am just passionate about animals and learn about them as much as I can!


Amanda x





Gerbil, pets

Hello friends!

So, maybe you can’t have your own pet, or maybe you can, but you’d still like to help the many animals that aren’t so lucky, that are waiting for loving forever homes in animal shelters.  Well, fear not, animal-lovers, here are 10 awesome ways you can do your bit to help!

  1. Make use of social media. Spread the word on Twitter and Facebook and share posts and tweets on adoption profiles for pets looking for forever homes.
  2. You can foster animals. If you have room in your home you can temporarily foster pets waiting for permanent homes. It’s good fun, and you’ll be opening a a spot in the animal shelter for more animals that need help, too.
  3. Volunteer! Even if you can’t have your own pet right now, animal shelters will appreciate you donating your time to help care for the animals there and make their life better.
  4. Are you any good with a sewing machine or a pair of knitting needles? How about making some pet blankets, cat toys or doggie jackets to donate to your local animal shelter? If not, do a spring clean and donate bed sheets or towels you don’t use anymore.
  5. Animal shelters depend largely on donations from good samaritans. Why not donate some pet food? You can use sites like Wag and Amazon to send them supplies directly.
  6. It’s not just food and bedding that animal shelters need, they could also use donations of cleaning products, cat litter, and old newspaper for lining cages.
  7. Walk shelter dogs. Many shelters need volunteers to exercise the dogs in their care, and could do with a hand (or extra pair of legs!).
  8. Getting married and don’t need all the extra stuff? Have your chosen animal shelter set up a registry page so that guests can donate to the shelter rather than purchasing the traditional wedding gift.
  9. Donate some time and knowledge. If you are a lawyer, photographer, accountant or web designer, for example, animal shelters can always use your talents and expertise to keep things running smoothly.
  10. You can help by fundraising, which can be a lot of fun, and there are so many ways to do it! Throw a party and ask guests to make a little donation, or donate a gift. Many shelters will send you raffle tickets to sell, and of course there are always crafts and cake stalls.

There ya go, that’s my list of ideas on how to help shelter animals. Why not start today, you could make a real difference, and maybe even change a life, for the better!


Amanda x







Hello friends!

If you’re thinking about getting a pet, and can provide it the home it needs, here are 20 reasons why you should adopt a pet from an animal shelter. Animal shelters are brimming with animals looking for homes, and they need you!

  1. You’ll be saving a life. Animals at shelters have been abandoned, given up, or lost, through no fault of their own, and they deserve a second chance. You’ll be giving them a new life and a loving home.
  2. You’ll be giving them a chance at happiness, which all animals deserve.
  3. You’ll be making yourself happy! There is nothing quite as wonderful as having a pet, their unconditional love and affection is second to none, and they can enrich your life in so many ways.
  4. You’ll have a new best friend!
  5. Need more exercise? Your adopted dog could become your workout partner!
  6. You’ll encourage others to adopt animals from shelters, too! Every time someone asks where your lovely pet came from, you can tell them.
  7. Having a pet is scientifically proven to lower your blood pressure and lift depression.
  8. You’ll be supporting a charitable organization. A lot of animal shelters are non-profit organizations run by caring volunteers. By adopting a shelter animal, you’ll be sending out a message for years to come, when you tell people where you got your beloved pet.
  9. You can be sure your new pet is a healthy animal. Animal shelters routinely vaccinate, spay and neuter the animals in their care, as well as giving them health checks. They couldn’t be in better hands!
  10. It’s a form of recycling! It’s easy being green, and adopting an animal is the very noblest form of recycling.
  11. You’re helping to put a stop to cruel mass breeding in places like puppy and kitten mills. These facilities repeatedly impregnate female animals, forcing them to produce litter after litter, and the animals are then destroyed after they cannot produce any more. They are often kept in intolerable conditions, in small cages their entire lives, without love or companionship. Adopting an animal from an animal shelter means you’re not supporting such a cruel practice.
  12. It’s just cool. Many celebrities have adopted animals, including Jake Gyllenhaal, Kaley Cuoco, Kellan Lutz, Taylor Swift, Orlando Bloom, Selma Blair, Selena Gomez, Kelly Clarkson, Amanda Seyfried, Simon Cowell, Ryan Reynolds, Rachel Bilson, Jon Hamm, Kristen Bell, Mischa Barton, Lenny Kravitz and Hilary Swank. It’s not just the right thing to do; it’s the cool thing to do.
  13. You can adopt an adult animal! Adult animals are often already housetrained and often better behaved than young animals.
  14. You save money. Adopting a pet is often cheaper than buying one from a breeder or supplier. You will also save money on vet’s bills, since things like vaccination and spaying have already been taken care of.
  15. You’re helping to decrease the tragedy of pet over-population. Sadly there just aren’t enough homes for all the animals born every year. Adopting an animal from an animal shelter helps weaken this cycle.
  16. If you have children, adopting a shelter animal can open a child’s eyes to the plight of homeless pets, and help them learn about responsibility and compassion.
  17. You’ll have the benefit of support and advice from the staff at the animal shelter, and they often provide follow-up services, too.
  18. Adopting a shelter animal will free up space for other animals that need the shelter’s help, too.
  19. Pets from animal shelters make great pets! They are just like any other animal, looking for a loving home, and they will be grateful and reward you in their own way.
  20. You can choose from a huge variety of animals, and the staff at the shelter will help you find the animal that is perfect for you, that suits you and your home.

I hope this list has inspired you to think about adopting an animal shelter pet! Why not share this list with someone thinking of getting a pet, too?


Amanda x

PS: You may also like HOW TO SPOT ANIMAL TESTING COMPANIES1919124_10150183787135714_8238036_n