Tag Archives: Cactuses

Super Easy Cactus Care Tips


Hello friends!

Cacti are one of my favourite houseplants. I love money trees, spider plants, orchids, and all the others, but cactuses have a special place in my heart. They’re so pretty, super easy to care for and grow, and they also make great gifts! They come in a huge variety of different shapes and sizes, so you’ll be sure to find one that suits your needs.

A collection of different shaped cactus in flowerpots.


You DO need to water them, although they are desert dwellers, they still require a little moisture. Once every week or two is fine, and make sure they are never too soggy. They like to be watered during their growing period in spring and summer, and hardly at all in winter when temperatures drop and they stop growing and become dormant.

Cactus thorns

How to repot your cactus:

You’ll need to repot your cactus every once in a while, you’ll know when it’s time when the roots are poking out through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Choose a pot one size larger than the one the cactus is currently in. Cactuses are thorny, so it’s a good idea to wear gardening gloves when doing this. Place some broken crocks or washed gravel in the bottom of the pot. Add a well-draining, slightly acidic compost. Pop the cactus in to its original depth and gently firm the surrounding soil.

Cactus compost:

You can either buy specially prepared cactus compost from a garden center, or you can prepare your own mixture using equal parts of:

  • Sand (horticultural sand is best, as sand from the sea will be salty)
  • Garden Compost
  • Grit (the smaller variety is best)


Baby Cactuses:

When your cactus produces babies, you can easily pot them up to make more cactus plants, and this is a good idea as the cactus will be less likely to flower if they are left on.

Again, it’s a good idea to wear gloves, and gently ease them, or cut them with a small sharp knife, off the parent cactus. Leave the babies for 24 hours to “callous over” (to seal over at the base where they have been cut), leaving them to sit on a plate or in a bowl in a warm sunny spot, spaced out so that there is plenty of air movement. After 24 hours, pop them into little pots of cacti compost, burying the base and firming the soil around them.

Put them in a warm, sunny spot and give the little darlings lots of love!

Warning: Cactuses are highly addictive, and you may just become a cacti addict, like me!

What’s your favourite houseplant? Do you have any cactuses at home?


Amanda x