Monthly Archives: April 2015



PicMonkey Collage

Hello friends!

Since becoming a vegetarian I have honestly never felt more at peace with myself and my life choice.

I have to be pretty careful not to become one of those preachy veggies, though, but I do find myself becoming more and more appalled at the thought of eating meat and the whole awful process. I have to stop myself from saying “how can you eat that?” to people. I can’t let myself become too bothered by it because I would find it difficult to get through life! When every street corner has a chicken takeaway and a butcher’s shop, not to mention the extensive meat section at the supermarket, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to understand how this is something that can be treated so casually.

My mum has been awesome and super supportive of my decision, she even makes me delicious vegetarian alternatives when she is cooking meat dishes, and she doesn’t mind me stocking up on stuff like kale, quinoa and soya milk. I also enjoyed a spicy veggie wrap on our recent family trip to McDonalds, and it was just delicious!

I don’t miss meat one notch, on the contrary, it really feels like the time was right because my body seems to have a physical aversion to it, now, which makes me believe in my decision more than ever.  It feels so natural and easy to me, and I was a big fan of fruit and vegetables, anyway, so added bonus! I’m just annoyed that I didn’t become a vegetarian sooner, but maybe it just wasn’t meant to be, before now.

When we went to visit a farm, recently, I couldn’t have been more proud of myself for being a vegetarian. It throws a whole new light on it all, seeing the beautiful sheep, cows, pigs, and chickens, living and breathing before my eyes, and to be honest, I can’t even think about these creatures being killed for their meat. What gives us the right?

I listened to the story of a little boy called Elias in the USA on the This American Life podcast (episode #553: Stuck In The Middle) who stopped eating meat when he was about 3 or 4 years old, and would cry and get upset when his brother or anyone else ate meat. I thought how awesome it was that he knew what he wanted from such a young age.

The problem is though, that I would dearly LOVE to take the next step and become a vegan. It just seems like the natural thing to do, and if I’m so happy as a vegetarian, think how happy I would be as a vegan! So it’s something that I’m going to think about.

According to One Green Planet, a vegetarian saves about 400 animals a year, while another source said it was only 100. Well, I’m not sure how many it really comes to, but surely a vegan saves double that amount.

I will always be a campaigner for animal rights, and I will always be their voice when I can, but before I can change the world, I have to start with myself. And don’t we all?

Be the change.


Amanda x


Super Easy Cactus Care Tips


Hello friends!

Cacti are one of my favourite houseplants. I love money trees, spider plants, orchids, and all the others, but cactuses have a special place in my heart. They’re so pretty, super easy to care for and grow, and they also make great gifts! They come in a huge variety of different shapes and sizes, so you’ll be sure to find one that suits your needs.

A collection of different shaped cactus in flowerpots.


You DO need to water them, although they are desert dwellers, they still require a little moisture. Once every week or two is fine, and make sure they are never too soggy. They like to be watered during their growing period in spring and summer, and hardly at all in winter when temperatures drop and they stop growing and become dormant.

Cactus thorns

How to repot your cactus:

You’ll need to repot your cactus every once in a while, you’ll know when it’s time when the roots are poking out through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Choose a pot one size larger than the one the cactus is currently in. Cactuses are thorny, so it’s a good idea to wear gardening gloves when doing this. Place some broken crocks or washed gravel in the bottom of the pot. Add a well-draining, slightly acidic compost. Pop the cactus in to its original depth and gently firm the surrounding soil.

Cactus compost:

You can either buy specially prepared cactus compost from a garden center, or you can prepare your own mixture using equal parts of:

  • Sand (horticultural sand is best, as sand from the sea will be salty)
  • Garden Compost
  • Grit (the smaller variety is best)


Baby Cactuses:

When your cactus produces babies, you can easily pot them up to make more cactus plants, and this is a good idea as the cactus will be less likely to flower if they are left on.

Again, it’s a good idea to wear gloves, and gently ease them, or cut them with a small sharp knife, off the parent cactus. Leave the babies for 24 hours to “callous over” (to seal over at the base where they have been cut), leaving them to sit on a plate or in a bowl in a warm sunny spot, spaced out so that there is plenty of air movement. After 24 hours, pop them into little pots of cacti compost, burying the base and firming the soil around them.

Put them in a warm, sunny spot and give the little darlings lots of love!

Warning: Cactuses are highly addictive, and you may just become a cacti addict, like me!

What’s your favourite houseplant? Do you have any cactuses at home?


Amanda x

30 Random Acts Of Kindness For Animal Lovers


Hey friends!

Do you love animals? Here’s an awesome list of little and large things you can do to help them right now.

  1. Spay and neuter  your pets to prevent the overpopulation of homeless and unwanted animals.
  2. Reach out to local nursing homes to see if they have a day you could bring your own pet. Animal therapy is amazing!
  3. Join the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) network so you can stay up to date about their wildlife conservation efforts, sign petitions that need support and share their efforts with your friends.
  4. Don’t support dog racing. Did you know that the greyhound racing industry breeds roughly 50.000 greyhound puppies every year? Only 15.000 of these puppies become racing dogs, and the rest are “retired”, used as breeders, or killed.
  5. Don’t kill spiders or other bugs that get into your home. Remember, they’re probably more scared than you! Pop them in a glass and carry them outside. Every life is precious.
  6. Go vegan. Vegan food is delicious, as well as better for your health and the environment, and there are so many awesome alternatives to meat. Did you know that a vegan saves an estimated 100 animals a year? Rock on!
  7. Cut plastic six-pack rings before you recycle them. These can be lethal to animals that get them stuck around their necks.
  8. Organize a fundraiser for your favourite animal charity! 
  9. Call your local animal shelter and ask if they need any volunteers.
  10. When you groom you pet, leave the clumps of fur in your garden for the local birds. They’ll use it to make their nests all cosy and warm!
  11. Boycott marine theme parks. There’s only one good marine theme park which has endless room for dolphins and whales to swim around in, it’s called the sea.
  12. Foster an animal.
  13. Don’t waste pet food. If your pet has turned their nose up at a particular food, why not donate it to your local animal shelter? Wet or dry cat food can be left out in the garden for hedgehogs.
  14. Report animal cruelty immediately, and keep the phone number of your local animal rescue handy.
  15. Buy products that DON’T test on animals and that are marked cruelty-free.
  16. Never give an animal as a gift.
  17. Adopt an animal from an animal shelter and don’t buy from a pet shop. 
  18. If you’re a rider cleaning out your horse’s stable, offer to help a friend muck out theirs too, once you’ve done yours. They might one day return the favour!
  19. Put out peanut and seed feeders for the birds in your garden, as well as fresh water in summer.
  20. If you have a mouse problem in your home, put out humane mousetraps, so that the mice can be caught and released into the wild.
  21. Offer to pet-sit for someone for free.
  22. Swap dairy milk for a plant based option when you’re at your favourite café. Whether it’s soy, oat, cashew, or almond milk, there are SO many delicious plant based milk options to choose from!
  23. Help animals while you shop! You can add your favourite charity to your Amazon account, and then every time you shop, the charity of your choice will benefit, as Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your purchases to them.
  24. Share animal adoption profiles on Twitter and Facebook of animals looking for new homes. This includes small animals like mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea-pigs and rabbits, as well as cats and dogs.
  25. Make your pet, or a friend or neighbour’s pet, some homemade treats.
  26. Pamper your pet. Make or buy them a new toy. Play with your pet. Cook your pet a special meal full of delicious, fresh, and healthy ingredients that will nourish them, while letting them know how much you care.
  27. Pledge to be fur-free. Did you know it takes around 40 foxes, 15 lynx, 60 rabbits, or 65 mink to make ONE fur coat? Yeah, not cool, guys.
  28. If you’re out walking your dog, carry extra poo bags so you can pass one on to another dog owner who has forgotten theirs.
  29. Walk or help care for an elderly or sick person’s pet. You can volunteer for this specifically in the UK at The Cinnamon Trust.
  30. Leave a “wild” patch in your garden for birds and insects to enjoy.

What would you add to this list?


Amanda x